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Yummy Ham and Potatoes

This is an interesting take on a scalloped ham and potatoes.

The potatoes cook beautifully. That is always my concern when baking with potatoes. Sometimes they just don’t cook all the way through.

I guess it would be hard to not cook in an hour and a half to be honest! They were the perfect level of softness.

The ham was already cooked, so it didn’t really change much.

The only issue I had is that the milk boiled over. This left quite a mess in the bottom of my oven! And lots of smoke during cooking.

I cleaned it up as best I could with a hot oven, but I would definitely recommend putting the dish inside another dish to collect the over flow.

Yes, it took a long time, but the prep time was minimal. So it’s a great dish to put in the oven and forget about!


6 Potatoes

1 Pound Ham

3 Cups Milk

1 Bell Pepper


Cover the bottom of an oiled baking dish with sliced, raw potatoes. Sprinkle with flour and add inch pieces of ham, the diced bell peppers. Repeat layers until the dish is full. Pour in as much milk as the dish will hold. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 1 1/2 hours.

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