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Yummy Asparagus!

I will start by saying that I did NOT use canned asparagus. I mean, why would anyone use canned asparagus? It’s soft and mushy and, to be honest, kind of gross. So I used fresh.

The asparagus came out still a bit crisp, which is how I like it. The recipe calls for using the asparagus water, I just used plain water which I don’t think changed too much.

The sauce is nice and creamy, a little more flavorful than a basic white sauce.

I used parmesan cheese over the top. It crisped nicely, and added a little saltiness.

Also, I omitted the hard cooked eggs. I don’t like eggs and they just didn’t seem to fit in here. If you like eggs, by all means add them . . .

This was a great side dish! We eat a lot of asparagus, so I can definitely see this recipe being used again!


1 Can Asparagus Spears

2 Tablespoons Butter

1 Tablespoon Flour

1 Teaspoon Salt

¼ Teaspoon Pepper

½ Cup Evaporated Milk

½ Cup Fine Cracker Crumbs

2 Hard Cooked Eggs, Chopped

½ Cup Grated Parmesan Cheese

Drain asparagus, reserving liquid. Melt butter, blend in flour, salt and pepper. Add evaporated milk to asparagus water until is measures 1 ½ cups. Stir into flour mixture. Blend until smooth. Cook for 2 minutes. Spread asparagus in the bottom of a greased shallow casserole. Reserve a few asparagus spears for the top. Sprinkle half the cracker crumbs over asparagus. Add eggs and half the sauce. Sprinkle with remaining crumbs. Arrange remaining asparagus over the top. Pour remaining sauce over casserole. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes.

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