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Wow This Was Good!

My husband is not the biggest fan of pork. I think it’s great, but I don’t get the opportunity to eat is so much. I try to respect my husband’s like and dislikes. I could make it more, but honestly, I like for him to enjoy what I serve.

I figured this recipe would be good, since he loves bacon and tomatoes.

Well I wasn’t wrong. He loved this recipe!

There is a great presentation to this as well.

The bacon wraps nicely around the pork, tomato and onion. You absolutely need to use the toothpicks to keep it in place while cooking.

The pork turned out perfectly cooked. It was moist and delicious.

The bacon was semi crisp, but not hard. The onion and tomato were perfectly soft.

This is a great dinner, with great presentation and amazing flavor!


12 Slices Bacon

6 Pork tenderloin Medallions

Salt and Pepper To Taste

6 Slices Tomato

6 Slices Onion

Cross 2 bacon slices and lay tenderloin medallion in the center. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place a slice of tomato and a slice of onion on each tenderloin. Bring bacon over the top and fasten with toothpicks. Place in a baking pan and cover. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake an additional 30 minutes or until bacon and pork are done.

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