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Weird Sandwiches

Peanut butter and bacon actually go quite well together. Who knew. Although, I guess the saying “Bacon makes everything better” is a saying for a reason.

I used a hearty French Country Bread. The slices were a little on the thicker side, which made them nicer to eat.

The peanut butter gets melty while the sandwiches are cooking. The ketchup was the weird part. It really doesn’t seem to go. It does add the acid the sandwiches needed, but . . . meh. .

I think thinly sliced tomato would be nicer than the ketchup. I also think you could spread avocado on the bread instead of peanut butter for an interesting twist.

Overall, these weren’t bad. They were weird, but not bad. I served them with black bean soup.


8 Slices Bread

Peanut Butter


12 Slices Bacon, cut in half

Sliced Gherkins

Toast slices of bread on 1 side and arrange on baking sheet. Spread untoasted side with peanut butter, then with ketchup. Place 3 slices of bacon on each slice of toast on top of ketchup. Broil the sandwiches until the bacon is cooked and crisp – about 10 minutes. Serve with Gherkins.

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