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What a great way to make a statement with a side dish! The Mid Century cooks did love to make things in shapes. Sometimes, they are not very appealing and contain some sort of gelatin, which is meh.

When mashing my carrots I chose to not mash them completely. There were still small bits of carrot instead of a traditional mash. This worked well with the other vegetables.

The bread crumbs virtually disappear in the final product. I used cut up sandwich bread, nothing special. They do add a nice filler though.

The celery and onion cook well in the dish. They are no longer crisp, but not mushy.

The ring was well seasoned and very flavorful. I think it looked nice too.

The ring also held together very nicely, even when cut.

So if you are looking for a way to spice up a standard carrot side dish - try this out!

Carrot Ring

1 Large Bunch Carrots

3 Eggs, Separated

1 Cup Milk

1 Tablespoon Melted Butter

2 Cups Half Inch Stale Bread Cubes

2 Tablespoons Chopped Celery

1 Teaspoon Finely Chopped Onion

2 Tablespoons Chopped Parsley

1 Teaspoon Salt

Clean and cook carrots until tender. Drain and mash. Add egg yolks to milk and beat well. Add to mashed carrots. Add remaining ingredients and fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Turn into a well oiled 6 cup ring mold. Place in a 350 degree oven and bake for 1 hour. Unmold on a serving platter.

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