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Very Pedestrian

I like scallop potatoes. I like ham. I can’t really say I liked this dish. It was very pedestrian.

There just wasn’t anything special about it.

To start, there was not an adequate amount of seasoning. The dish on a whole was very bland. Although, even adding additional salt didn’t really help.

I cooked the potatoes whole in boiling salted water. This, to me, makes it easier to do a scallop as you don’t break the potatoes apart when draining them.

The ham was diced very small. Maybe had I used bigger pieces. . . You just couldn’t really taste the ham all that much.

I opted not to use the egg. I hate hard boiled eggs. I don’t think they would have improved the recipe at all, even if I did like them.

Over all it was just very boring.


6 Medium Potatoes, Sliced and Peeled

Boiling Salted Water

1 Cup Diced Cooked Ham

2 Hard Cooked Eggs, Sliced

1/8 Teaspoon Salt

1/16 Teaspoon Pepper

2 Cups Thin White Sauce

Cook the sliced potatoes in the boiling salted water. Drain thoroughly. Arrange a layer of potatoes in a casserole. Add a ham layer, then egg layer. Season with salt and pepper. Pour white sauce over the top. Bake in a 325 degree oven for 25 minutes.

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