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Very Orange

I used to make trifle all the time. Then my trifle dish broke. And I haven’t made one for a few years.

I am not sure this is the trifle I wanted to break the dry period with. It was very orange. And I am not sure it was orange in a good way.

It doesn’t taste bad. But it doesn’t quite taste good either.

The custard portion was lovely. It had just a hint of the orange flavor.

The custard does get a little clumpy when you add the extract. This is nothing that stirring won’t fix.

The lady fingers are soft and very delicate. Spreading them with the marmalade is an interesting way to flavor them. I did spread a small amount of the marmalade on the outside to get the fingers to stick to the trifle.

The jello was jello. Nothing really special.

The part that was tricky was everything all together. Individually, all the ingredients have great flavor.

When you combine them all together, it’s a tad strange. It is overly orange in flavor. And the textures are a little too similar.


1 Package Orange Gelatin

2 1/2 Cups Milk

4 Eggs

2 Tablespoons Granulated Sugar

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

1 Dozen Ladyfingers

1/2 Cup Orange Marmalade

1 Teaspoon Orange Extract

1 Orange, Grated Rind

Prepare gelatin as label directs. Pour into a square shallow pan. Refrigerate. Scald milk in a double boiler. Lightly beat eggs with sugar and salt. Slowly stir in part of the milk. Pour into remaining milk. Cook, stirring, until custard coats a spoon. Set top of double boiler in ice to cool quickly. Put split lady fingers together with orange marmalade. Arrange in a serving bowl. Stir orange extract into custard and pour over lady fingers. Refrigerate 4 hours. Cut orange gelatin into small cubes. Pile on top of custard. Sprinkle orange rind over all.

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