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Very Blueberry Spread

My husband and I went to a cute little farm that is fairly close to our house last week. We went to have lunch, but discovered that they had pick your own blueberry patches.

It was a lazy day for us, so we thought, why not? We love blueberries, let’s pick some.

So I now have an abundance of blueberries.

I have had my eye on this recipe for a while, but never had enough blueberries to make it. This seemed like the perfect opportunity.

The apple gives the butter a little body, and a little of the tart apple sweetness. The slices basically disintegrate while cooking, so you do still have chunks of apple, but not big strips of it.

The blueberries also denigrate quite a bit. They break down and add a lovely color to the butter, and of course, the blueberry goodness.

My husband asked my why it was called butter. There is no dairy in it, so it seemed strange to him. The best I could describe to him was that a fruit butter is much like a jelly or marmalade, but thinner. Most people are very aware of apple butter, which is made the same way.

This recipe makes a lot of butter too! Once sealed into glass jars it will keep for several years. You don’t have to worry about it going bad before you can eat it all!

It also makes a wonderful gift.

I spread my butter on blueberry lemon scones. It would also be great on bagels with a little cream cheese, or breads. Pretty much anything you would put a jam on.


2 Quarts Fresh Blueberries

8 Large Green Apples, Peeled, Cored and Sliced

8 Cups Sugar

1 Teaspoon Ground Allspice

1 Teaspoon Ground Mace

1 Teaspoon Ground Nutmeg

Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer for one hour. Stir occasionally. Cook until thick. Spoon into hot jars. Seal and cool.

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