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Tricky, But Tasty

Okay, so I have to admit, I made this recipe twice. I messed it up the first time, so did a second attempt. Candy making is hard, very complicated, and everything has to be done precisely.

I could definitely not cut my butterscotch with scissors! I am not sure if the recipe was supposed to produce a softer candy, or if I waited too long to cut.

I ended up breaking the butterscotch block apart with my knife.

Unfortunately my pieces were not uniform. They were odd shaped little blocks, much like rock candy.

The good news is that they were amazing!

They were rich in the butterscotch flavor. They were a hard candy, which wasn’t what I was expecting after reading the recipe. But, I didn’t mind that at all.

I am glad I attempted to make these - I really enjoyed the flavor! Maybe I will try them again to see if they can be softer, but I am perfectly okay with how they turned out.


6 Cups Light Brown Sugar

2 Cups Water

Pinch Cream of Tartar

1 1/2 Cups Butter, Melted

2 Teaspoons Lemon Extract

Place the sugar and water in a large saucepan and heat, stirring occasionally until the boiling point is reached. Add the cream of tartar. Cover and allow to boil for 10 minutes. Remove the cover and cook to 310 degrees. Add the melted butter and lemon extract and remove from heat when blended into the sirup. Pour into a buttered pan. When cold, cut with buttered scissors into small pieces. Wrap in wax paper.

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