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Tons of Flavor

This dish had a lot more flavor than I expected!

I boiled my rich with a little salt and butter. This gave the rice a lovely buttery flavor to start.

The egg and milk act as binders of a sort. They definitely help the rice stick together once baked.

The garlic was on the strong side. I had a very large garlic clove, so you could make the garlic a little more mild by using a smaller clove.

The cheese gives the rice some creaminess. And you get a bit of the sharp cheddar flavor.

The parsley is why it is called “green” rice. I think it could use a touch more parsley honestly. There are touches of green, but it isn’t really green.

The curry powder is such a small amount, you don’t really taste it. At least, the rice doesn’t taste like curry. It certainly enhances the other ingredients.

It was a lovely side dish. I liked it quite a lot.


1 Egg

1 Cup Milk

1/2 Cup Finely Chopped Parsley

1 Clove Garlic, Minced

1 Small Onion, Minced

2 Cups Boiled Rice

1/2 Cup Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese

2 Tablespoons Butter

1/8 teaspoon Curry Powder

Salt to Taste

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Beat egg then add remaining ingredients. Place in a baking dish that has been well oiled. Baked for 30 minutes.

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