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This Was A Strange One

So I had some leftover franks from a dish I made last week. I was searching for a recipe to use them in and landed on this one.

It is quite strange. I am not sure we enjoyed it. . .

I made some egg noodles for the noodle part. I cut them about two inches long and about 3/4 inch wide. I thought a hearty noodle would be best for the recipe.

The sour cream and curry blend together to make a fairly thick sauce.

I used a yellow curry. It wasn’t overly spicy, but had a nice curry flavor.

The franks brown up nicely on top of the casserole. The poppy seeds were rather strange though.

Everything all together had a very strange feel. It wasn’t horrible. But it wasn’t overly good either.

Strange is the only way I can think of to describe it. So I did use the leftover franks, but we didn’t save any leftovers. . .


2 Cups Wide Noodles

1 Cup Sour Cream

1 Teaspoon Curry Powder

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1/8 Teaspoon Pepper

5 Franks

Celery or Poppy Seed

Heat oven to 400 degrees. Cook noodles and drain. Add sour cream, curry powder, salt and pepper to noodles. Turn into a baking dish. Arrange franks on top. Sprinkle with seed. Bake 15 minutes.

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