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Thick and Tangy

The end of the garden is in sight, and I had a large amount of rhubarb to deal with.

One of the reasons we plant a large garden is so that we can preserve and save things for the rest of the year.

This marmalade recipe is super easy - even the most inexperienced marmalade maker will be able to handle it with ease.

Letting the rhubarb stand overnight in the sugar helps to break down the fibrous parts of the rhubarb. It also helps infuse the sugar into the fruit.

Rhubarb is a very tart fruit that looks a bit like celery. If you like tart things, you will love it.

The marmalade is nicely thick. This is achieved by boiling the fruit with the sugar. The longer you boil it the thicker it will be. You want to make sure to stop the boiling process just before it is of spreading consistency. It will thicken as it cools.

The rhubarb breaks down quite a bit, but you do still have nice chunks of the rhubarb throughout the marmalade.

It is a lovely marmalade and can be used in a variety of ways from sandwiches to desserts!


1 Pound Rhubarb

1 Lemon

2 1/2 Cups Sugar

Cut rhubarb into thin slices without peeling. Wash lemon and shave off thin yellow rind. Add rind to rhubarb with sugar. Mix and let stand overnight. Add juice from the lemon and cook until thick. Pour into clean, hot jars. Seal with paraffin.

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