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Thick and Juicy Pork

I enjoy pork, my husband does not. So when I cook pork at home, it has to be great or he will complain.

This was great! The pork is super juicy!

I purchased as thick cut of pork chops as I could find. This made them easier to butterfly.

The stuffing is simple – mushrooms and cheese, but has a wonderful flavor.

I would like to have somehow sealed the edges of the chops – maybe just tying them up before cooking. It was a bit difficult to keep the stuffing in the chops when dipping them and flipping them.

The bread crumbs for a nice crust, but due to the wine, it isn’t too hard.

Really very good, my husband even liked it!


4 Slices Swiss Cheese, Diced

¼ Cup Chopped Parsley

½ Cup Chopped Mushrooms

½ Teaspoon Salt

1 Egg, Slightly Beaten

½ Cup Bread Crumbs

3 Tablespoons Cooking Oil

4 Thick Pork Chops

½ Cup Chablis

Mix together Swiss cheese, parsley, mushrooms and salt. Slit each chop from the bone side to the fat side. Fill with cheese mixture. Dip chops in egg, then bread crumbs. Brown chops well on each side. Add Chablis to pan, turn to low, and cook 45 minutes. Season with additional salt and pepper to taste, if desired.

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