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Thick and Creamy Chocolate

I was a little skeptical that the boiling water would melt the chocolate properly. And yet, it melted perfectly.

Using gelatin gives the pie the consistency it needs to hold together. The benefit is that you don’t have to cook anything.

So this becomes a lovely no bake pie.

I used a traditional pie crust, but I think this pie would be great with a chocolate cookie or graham crust. You could even go with a nut crust, which would give it a different dimension.

I honestly didn’t think the pie was going to set right. It did not look at all thickened by the time I put the pie in the refrigerator.

Thankfully, it set up just as it should have. There were a few air bubbles that I didn’t notice until it was too late to do anything about it.

I did not decorate the top with meringue or whipped cream. I opted to send the whipped cream in separately. Just like yesterday’s pie, I didn’t want the cream to wilt.

This was a lovely pie, with a great chocolate flavor!


2 Ounces Unsweetened Grated Chocolate

1/2 Cup Boiling Water

1 Tablespoon Unflavored Gelatin

1/4 Cup Cold Water

3 Egg Yolks

1/2 Cup Sugar

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

1/2 Cup Sugar

3 Egg Whites, Beaten Stiff

1 Baked Pastry Shell

Melt chocolate in boiling water. Dissolve gelatin in cold water. Stir gelatin into chocolate mixture. Beat the egg yolks with 1/2 cup sugar until light and fluffy. Beat into chocolate mixture. Add salt and vanilla, cool. Beat remaining sugar into the stiff egg whites. Fold into cooled chocolate mixture. Pour into pastry shell. Chill until firm. Spread or decorate with whipped cream if desired.

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