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They Didn't Fall Apart

If you have seen any of my other blog posts with meatballs, you will know that I seem to have trouble keeping them intact.

For some reason, every time I start to brown meat balls, they fall apart.

I am happy to say that these meatballs stayed intact - the whole time!

The combination of beef and pork give the meatballs a little extra moisture. The end result being quite a nice texture.

They are also not packed full of bread crumbs. I hate meatballs that are mostly bread. What’s the point.

I opted to finish baking these in the oven. Mostly because I needed the burners for other things. 20 minutes at 350 degrees and they were perfectly done.

So finally a flavorful meat balls, that isn’t too bready and that doesn’t fall apart!


1/2 Pound Ground Beef

1/3 Pound Ground Pork

1 Egg, Beaten

1/2 Cup Fine Dry Bread Crumbs

1/3 Cup Milk

1 Teaspoon Salt

1/8 Teaspoon White Pepper

2 Teaspoons Minced Onion

2 Tablespoons Fat or Oil

Combine all ingredients except fat. Mix thoroughly. Shape into 12 or 14 balls, about 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Heat fat in a skillet over medium heat. Lightly brown meat balls. Cook 20 to 30 minutes, remove from pan and place on absorbent paper.

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