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The Best Dinner Rolls Ever!

Bread is a wonderful gift in our lives. There’s just something about bread and butter that I love. I could eat it every day. I don’t, but I could.

This blog has opened my eyes to bread making. I was never that skilled at it before, at least not without the bread machine. And even then – I wasn’t great.

I have learned so much about the kneading process, and my skills have gone from an E to a solid B. Then I made these rolls. I think I can give myself an A now!

These are absolutely amazing! Truly some of the best bread I have ever had. And I have had fresh Baguettes from a bakery in France, so the bar is pretty high!

The dough is very soft when you start kneading. It seems to soak up the flour on the board. Even when the kneading process is done, the dough is still very soft and subtle.

The first rise didn’t seem that great, so I was a bit worried at that point. I formed the dough into balls about 3 inches in diameter.

The second rise was a blue ribbon winner! I wish I had made the balls a bit smaller – the rolls were the size of a large hamburger bun after the rise. So be sure you know what size you want when you are done. We honestly didn’t mind the size, it was just unexpected.

The rolls cook up very quickly. I did brush the tops with butter when going intot he oven and again when I took them out. If you brushed them with a little honey butter they would be very close to the rolls you get at Texas Roadhouse.

It’s been two days since I made the rolls and they are all gone. . .


1 Cup Milk

½ Cup Sugar

1 Teaspoon Salt

½ Cup Butter

½ Cup Warm Water

2 Packages Active Dry Yeast

2 Eggs, Beaten

4 ½ Cups All Purpose Flour, Plus more for kneading

In a saucepan scald milk. Stir in sugar, salt, and butter. Let cool to lukewarm. Place warm water in a large bowl. Sprinkle with the yeast and stir until dissolved. Blend in lukewarm milk mixture, beaten eggs, and half the flour. Beat until smooth. Stir in remaining flour. Turn dough out onto floured bread board. Knead until smooth and elastic, about 8 minutes. Place dough in a greased bowl, turning to coat and let rise, covered for about 1 hour. Punch dough down, turn out onto floured board. Shape into rolls as desired. Let rise, covered, in a warm place for about 1 hour. Brush with melted butter. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 15 to 20 minutes.

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