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Tangy Doesn't Even Begin to Describe

Lone Star Barbecue Steak, what could be more American? I have raised a child, my daughter is nearly 14, who absolutely loves meat. From a very early age she has adored steak. I fondly remember a time when she was four years old and we were out to eat. She ordered her steak from the kid's menu, we were living in Kansas at the time, so there was steak on the kids menu! She asked for it to be cooked medium rare. The waitress kind of looked at her funny, but okay. When the steak came out, it was very well done. My little girl took one look and asked for the waitress to take it bake because it was not pink in the middle. What four year old orders a steak medium rare in the first place. And then has the temerity to send it back when it's not done right! So ten years later, she has a very discerning palate when it comes to how steak is cooked.

I was a bit nervous about serving this recipe to her, chuck or blade steak is not a very expensive cut of meat. Generally it is a bit tough and grizzly.

Starting with the barbecue sauce, which was quick and easy to make. It is very tart! You could change this a bit by using different types of vinegar, I used straight up white vinegar. The recipe makes enough to use for the steak recipe and about a pint to save. The saved portion can be canned and preserved or kept in the refrigerator. I opted for keeping it in the fridge this time as I wasn't sure if more sauce would be desired while serving. It was not.

Once you have the sauce made, you marinate the steaks in the refrigerator, covered with sauce, overnight. This really tenderizes the meat beautifully. They were not tough or grizzly at all. Honestly, they were almost tender.

The steaks were broiled - yep broiling again! - for just a few minutes per side and came out mid rare, which seems to be the perfect temperature for this cut of steak. I served the steak cut into strips since there are three of us and I only bought two large steaks. Overall, a very good dish!

Oh, and my daughter went back for seconds.

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