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Sweet Side Dish

This was the perfect side dish to serve with the Wiener schnitzel!

Personally, I enjoy cabbage. I know it isn’t for everyone, but we like it.

This is a very simple recipe compared to some others I have made. Most notably, this recipe does not call for a long cooking time.

Other recipes of cabbage I have made require the cabbage to be simmered for several hours. This recipe just called for cooking it until it was tender. That meant it only spent about 25 minutes on the stove.

The other thing that makes this recipe different is the sauce component.

It still had the vinegar for the tartness. But it also had brown sugar and cinnamon.

These ingredients gave the cabbage a sweet glaze. I enjoyed the difference. I think it really enhanced the flavor of the cabbage.

I also really enjoyed the addition of the apples. They went really well with the tart cabbage.


2 Tablespoons Goose Drippings

6 Cups Shredded Red Cabbage

Salt and Pepper

3 Whole Cloves

2 Sour Apples

1 Cup Boiling Water

3 Tablespoons Flour

1/8 Teaspoon Cinnamon

4 Tablespoons Brown Sugar

2 Tablespoons Vinegar

Heat goose fat in a skillet, add cabbage, salt, pepper, cloves, and peeled quartered apples. Pour boiling water over them and cook slowly for 15 minutes. Combine flour, cinnamon, brown sugar and vinegar. Add to cabbage, heat through.

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