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Sweet and Tangy Apples

The honey and the vinegar blend well to make a very unique taste.

With each bite you get a bit of sweetness from the honey and then a tangy aftertaste from the vinegar.

The apples are soft, even the skins.

These were a great accompaniment to the Toad in the Hole I made them for. I think they would also be great as a topping for a dessert, or even over some biscuits.

When hot the sauce is very liquid and oozes over the dish. When they cool down, the sauce gets a little thicker and can be spreadable.


1 Cup Honey

½ Cup Vinegar

2 Cups Sliced Apples

Heat honey and vinegar in a saucepan. Drop the apples a few at a time into the simmering, bubbling honey mixture. Cook until apples are transparent. Serve hot or cold.

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