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Sweet and Sour

My first bite of these beans I didn’t like them. They had a strange taste that I couldn’t quite get my tastes buds around.

But the more I ate, the more I started to like them.

The bacon has a lovely bacon flavor. I mean, who doesn’t like bacon!

I cut the beans into 2 inch lengths. I thought this would have them cook better.

I did not cook the beans before hand like the recipe called for. We prefer crisper vegetables in our house. I felt that cooking the beans before would have made them too mushy.

I was amazed by the amount of sugar the recipe calls for. It seems like a lot.

It seems like a lot of vinegar too.

Basically, the sugar and vinegar combine to make a sweet and sour sauce.

That sauce coats the beans nicely. The bites of bacon actually go very well with the sugar and vinegar sauce.

So it started off strange, but it ended quite nicely.


1/2 Cup Bacon, Diced

2 Cups Cooked Green Beans

1/2 Cup Sugar

1/2 Cup Vinegar

Salt and Pepper

Fry bacon until crisp. Add remaining ingredients. Cook slowly for 8 minutes.

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