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Strong Wine Taste

There are so many possibilities with this recipe. Starting with the fish.

I chose flounder. It was the freshest looking fish at the store on shopping day. Flounder, in my opinion, is a strong fish. I though it would hold up nicely to the wine sauce.

Unfortunately, my fillets were a little on the thin side. When I attempted to remove the fillets from the pan after poaching, they fell apart.

While that was unfortunate, I wasn’t really all that worried about it. This was a family meal. I think I would have been a little more upset if I was serving guests.

The fish took on a lot of the flavor of the wine. I used a Chardonnay I had opened earlier in the week. It was very dry, which resulted in the sauce being a little on the dry side as well.

The cream makes the sauce very creamy. The mushrooms mix well with the sauce. I am not sure they were perfect with the fish. They weren’t awful, but a little disconnected.

Overall this was a nice dish. I wish the fillets hadn’t fallen about though. . .


1 1/2 Pounds Fish Fillets

1 Cup White Wine

1 1/2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice

12 Large Mushrooms, Sliced

1/4 Cup Butter

2 Egg Yolks

1 Cup heavy Cream

1 Tablespoon Chopped Parsley

3/4 teaspoon Salt

1/8 Teaspoon pepper

Poach fish fillet in wine and lemon juice until tender. Sauté mushrooms in 1 tablespoon butter. Remove fish to hot platter and keep warm. Heat wine in which the fish was cooked to boiling. Continue cooking for 10 minutes. Beat egg yolks with cream. Pour wine over mixture, stirring constantly. Add remaining butter, mushrooms, parsley, salt and pepper. Pour over hot fish.

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