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Stewed Chicken

A Fricassee is a combination of sautéed meat and a stew. First you brown the meat, then you add water and slow cook it.

A sauté of the meat seals in the flavor by providing a crust of sorts on the outside. When the liquid is added, the meat juices stay sealed inside. Ultimately this should provide a moister piece of meat at the end.

Generally, a fricassee is finished by adding dairy or eggs to the simmering liquid to create a white sauce to serve the meat with.

This method of cooking has been around for hundreds of years. The first recorded recipe for a fricassee being in a French cookbook printed in the year 1300.

This recipe omits the last step, so there is just broth at the end.

The chicken was moist and flavorful.

But mostly it was just chicken. Nothing special really. But nothing bad either.


4 Pound Chicken

¼ Cup Flour

3 Tablespoons Chicken Fat

2 Teaspoons Salt


3 ½ Cups Boiling Water

Clean chicken and cut into serving portions. Dredge chicken in flour and brown in melted fat. Add seasonings and enough boiling water to cover halfway. Cover and simmer for 1 ½ to 3 hours or until chicken is tender.

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