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Steak and Stuffing

This is definitely a meal wrapped in meat. It was quite filling!

For the bread crumbs I used leftover rolls. I just tore them apart into small pieces. This made a great base for the stuffing.

I also used a yellow bell pepper instead of green. It’s what was in the drawer. Yellow are a little sweeter than green bell peppers. I don’t think it changed the taste all that much.

I did pound my steak out a bit. It was a little on the thick side. I don’t think it would have rolled very well without doing this.

I was a little worried that the steak would be overdone. An hour and a half to two hours seems like a long time for a steak.

Thankfully I was wrong. The steak actually came out very nicely.

While no longer pink, the steak was still quite tender. The salt pork helps infuse some saltiness into the meat. This is a good thing since there is no seasoning on the meat. I really didn’t notice. It had great flavor.

The stuffing is nice and savory, with a hint of the pork flavor from the salt pork drippings. It does ooze out of the ends during the cooking time. I just shoved it back in once the steak was cut.

This was a winner with the family - They loved it so much there were no leftovers!

Stuffed Flank Steak

1 1/2 Pound Flank Steak

2 1/2 Cups Coarse Bread Crumbs

1/2 Cup Chopped Celery

2 Tablespoons Chopped Onion

1 Tablespoon Chopped Green Pepper

1 Teaspoon Salt

1/4 Cup Butter, Melted

1 Egg

Salt Pork or Bacon Strips

Blend bread crumbs, celery, onion, and pepper. Add salt and melted butter with enough hot water to moisten slightly. Mix in egg. Spread dressing on flank steak and roll up lengthwise. Tie to secure. Brown on all sides in hot fat. Place in a heavy kettle or casserole. Last strips of salt pork or bacon over the top. Cover cook in a 325 degree oven for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Slice and serve.

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1 Comment

Dec 28, 2022

The Stuffed Flank Steak sounds wonderful!!

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