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Sparkling Milkshake

I had some strawberries in the freezer - I have been looking for a recipe to use them in. This seemed like a good one.

You really are making a milk shake of sorts. The ice cream, milk and strawberries blend beautifully. You get a nice, thick strawberry concoction.

Topping the strawberry mixture with the ginger ale breaks down the dairy a bit and you get a lovely sparkling drink.

It is very easy to drink. Maybe try adding a bit of vodka or rum to make it a lovely adult beverage!


½ Cup Fresh or Frozen Strawberries

1 Cup Milk

2 Tablespoons Sugar

½ Cup Vanilla Ice Cream

Ginger Ale

Put strawberries, milk and sugar into a blender container. Cover and blend for 20 seconds. Add ice cream, blend until mixed. Half fill a tall glass with the strawberry mixture. Top it off with ginger ale.

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