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Sort Of Fried Rice

I am a huge fan of Chinese food. Any kind really. My husband always makes fun of me because I always suggest Chinese on nights I don’t cook.

I was excited to see a Chinese dish in my Mid Century recipe box.

Well, this is Mid Century Chinese. Meaning, Chinese for people who had never really had Chinese food.

The dish is very basic. And there isn’t a whole lot of soy sauce.

The end result was still quite pale. It did not have that lovely golden color you usually see with fried rice.

It did taste nice though.


1/4 Cup Vegetable Oil

3 Cups Boiled Rice

4 Minced Scallions

3/4 Teaspoon Salt

1/2 Cup Julienned Cooked Roast Pork or Ham

3 Eggs

1 1/2 Tablespoons Soy Sauce

1/4 Cup Minced Coriander Leaves

Heat oil in a heavy skillet. Toss in rice and stir until hot and golden. Add scallions, salt and pork. When well mixed push the rice to the sides. Breaks eggs into the hollow and scrambled until semi cooked. Stir into rice mixture. Sprinkle with soy sauce and coriander.

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