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Smooth Velvety Soup

There is something so simple about a cream soup. But there is a lot of work putting this one together.

Cooking the asparagus is the simple part. The difficulty comes in the sieving process.

Asparagus is so very fibrous. It is quite difficult to sieve. It takes some time and effort to get the pulp from the asparagus.

There is a surprisingly large amount of asparagus flavor despite what appears to be a small amount of the vegetable.

The vegetable puree is super concentrated. So when blended with the milk, it does pack a flavor punch.

So this soup is a bit of work, but the flavor is worth it!


1 Pound Asparagus

4 Cups Milk, Scalded

2 Tablespoons Butter

2 Tablespoons Flour

1 Teaspoon Salt

1/8 Teaspoon Pepper

Wash asparagus, cut of tips 1 1/2 inches from the top. Cover with boiling water and cook uncovered, until tender. Remove and set aside. Add remainder of asparagus to water and cook until tender. Drain. Rub through a sieve and add to milk. Melt butter, blend in flour, salt and pepper. Add asparagus puree gradually. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Cook 3 minutes. Add asparagus tips and heat through. Serve hot with toasted crusts.

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