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Slow Cooked Roast

Cutting the roast into slices seemed strange. Thankfully, they were very thick slices, so the end result was a wonderfully moist slice of meat.

The sauce that is created is lovely. It has a rich, wine flavor to it. Very similar in flavor to a bourguignon.

The mushrooms give the dish a nice earthiness. The tomatoes add a touch of acid.

I did use two carrots instead of one. I felt that one would not be enough. I e enjoy carrots cooked slow with beef, so obviously, you could keep it at one if you wanted less.

The small white onions break down nicely during the cooking process. They do stay mostly intact though. You get little onions that are so flavorful and delicious.

I serve the slices of roast and vegetables over mashed red potatoes. The potatoes were wonderful to soak up the extra juices. I think a nice hearty bread would also be a great idea.

Yes, this dish takes some time. But once you taste it you will appreciate the slow cooking!


2 Pounds Beef Rump Roast

1/4 Cup Olive Oil

1/2 Pound Sliced Mushrooms

8 Small White Onions

2 Tablespoons Flour

1 Cup Red Bordeaux Wine

1/4 Cup Water

1 Can Diced Tomatoes

1 Clove Garlic, Crushed

2 Tablespoons Chopped Parsley

1 Teaspoon Salt

1/8 Teaspoon Pepper

1 Carrot

Slice the beef rump into four equal slices. In a large heavy skillet brown meat on both sides in olive oil. Remove from pan. Add the mushrooms and sauté briefly, remove and reserve. Add the onions and cook until browned. Stir in the flour. Gradually blend in the wine and water, stirring constantly until smooth. Return the meat and mushrooms to the pan. Add the tomatoes, garlic, parsley, salt, pepper, and sliced carrot. Cover and simmer gently for two hours.

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