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Six Layers Of Boring

This recipe did not work out as planned.

I wanted something that I could put together quickly and then forget about.

In those aspects, it worked great.

Unfortunately, two hours of cooking time was about thirty minutes too long. It was very burnt.

The potatoes were very stuck to the bottom of the casserole. The bits I was able to pry up tasted good, but honestly, I lost about half of them.

All the other vegetables were quite soft and mushy. They all kind of blended together.

The ground beef was completely over cooked! And I mean overcooked to the point where is was hard and frankly flavorless.

So, the dish just did not work.

I’m sure I could tweak a few things and make it work. I just can’t be bothered at this point.


2 Cups Sliced Raw Potatoes

2 Cups Chopped Celery

1 Pound Ground Beef

1 Cup Sliced Raw Onions

1 Cup Minced Green Pepper

2 Cups Cooked Tomatoes

2 Teaspoons Salt

1/4 Teaspoon Pepper

Place each ingredient in layers in a 2 quart casserole, seasoning each layer with a little of the salt and pepper. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 2 hours.

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