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Simple Pasta

My husband, when asked what he wants for dinner, often says something light, like pasta. I’m sorry, but pasta isn’t a light meal!

This is the closest I think you can get to light pasta. It is simple, but very tasty.

I don’t usually like to break apart pasta, but it worked very well in this recipe. You could definitely do it with whole pasta, but I think it added to the dish. It was certainly easier to scoop up the tomato and vegetables without having to twirl the pasta too.

I was a little apprehensive about ham in pasta, but that was quite nice as well.

The onion and bell pepper add a nice vegetable element without being too heavy.

I used fresh tomatoes. The recipe wasn’t clear as to what kind of tomatoes, since I had a bunch of tomatoes from the garden, that is what I went with.

Boiling the tomatoes with the pasta softens them up quite nicely.

Baking everything in the casserole helps evaporate any water.

I did sprinkle the dish with some grated parmesan before serving. I think it added the missing element from the recipe.

We really enjoyed this “light” and simple pasta!


2 Cups Spaghetti

1 Quart Tomatoes

1/2 Cup Boiled Ham

1 Onion

1 Green Pepper

1/4 Teaspoon Pepper

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

Break the spaghetti into 1 inch pieces. Cook in one quart boiling water until tender. Add the tomatoes and cook 15 minutes longer. Fry diced onion and pepper in fat until tender. Chop ham and add to the onion. Season. Add spaghetti and tomatoes. Place in a casserole. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 15 minutes.

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