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Simple Fondue For Beef

This is probably the simplest recipe I have done so far. Two ingredients. That’s it!

The butter and oil blend well to make a very nice cooking pot. The meat fries a little in the hot buttery oil. You get a nice crispy skin on the outside of each piece you put in the pot.

While the recipe didn’t call for it I think if I were to do this again I would clarify the butter first.

Clarifying the butter takes out the fat solids that appear on the top during cooking. I used a slotted spoon to remove these, but had to do it several times throughout the evening.

It wasn’t really a problem, just an appearance thing.

Of all the protein fondues this recipe added the least flavor. It was simply to cook the protein. Which is fine, it wasn’t bad, just nothing special either!


2 Sticks Butter

2 Cups Cooking Oil

Fill fondue pot 1/2 full with half the oil and half the butter. Heat until the mixture reaches 360 degrees. The mixture should turn a golden color. Add more butter and oil as needed. Keep fondue over moderately high heat.

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