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Simple Basic Cookie

My house has been in a bit of turmoil this week. We are hosting a large event for my husband on Friday. We have 100 people attending. And I am making all the food. . . A little stress there!

We are having a large cake, but I wanted to offer a dessert that could be hand held and a little easier to eat as well.

I had some sugar labels made specifically for the event. I made these cookies to put the sugar labels on.

Knowing that the cookies would be iced and decorated, I wanted a sturdy cookie that wouldn’t fall apart.

The cookie also needed to be moist and yet dry enough to hold the topping.

This recipe was perfect! The cookies are soft on the inside, yet crispy on the outside.

I made three times the amount the recipe called for and ended up with 140 cookies. As called for, the recipe makes just over three dozen. Of course, this could change depending on what cutter you are using. I used a 2 inch round.

The best part about this sugar cookie recipe is that the dough does not have to be chilled before cutting. This saved a ton of time!


2 1/4 Cups Sifted Flour

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

2 Teaspoon Baking Powder

1/2 Cup Shortening

1 Cup Sugar

2 Eggs, beaten

1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla

1 Tablespoon Milk

Sift flour, salt, and baking powder together. Cream shortening and sugar together, add eggs and vanilla. Add sifted ingredients alternately with milk. Roll and cut. Sprinkle with sugar. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 12 minutes.

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