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Shrimp and Rice

I will start by saying that I did not actually eat this dish. The night I made it I wasn’t feeling all that great, so the idea of shrimp didn’t sit well.

The recipe has some similarities to the other creole’s I have made. The major difference is the use of tomato sauce instead of diced tomatoes.

The sauce gives the dish a more saucy feel. I’m not sure I like this, I think I prefer the chunks of vegetables.

For the peppers I used a combination of bell and Anaheim peppers. My husband has a hydroponic garden and he has been growing peppers this winter. So he had several Anaheim peppers he wanted to use. I thought a creole dish was perfect for them.

I did not cook the shrimp for 15 to 25 minutes! The shrimp was done in about 7-8 minutes. I think they had different thoughts on the doneness of meat and seafood in the Mid Century. 25 minutes would have made the shrimp rubbery and way overcooked.

My family really liked the dish. It had just a touch of spice, but not too hot. It was enjoyable.

Shrimp Creole

1/4 Cup Oil

1/4 Cup Flour

4 Cloves Garlic, Minced

1/2 Cup Chopped Celery

1/2 Cup Chopped Green Pepper

16 Ounces Tomato Sauce

1 1/2 Teaspoons Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper

1/4 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper

1 1/2 Pounds Raw Shrimp

3 Cups Hot Cooked Rice

Heat oil. Add flour, stirring constantly until smooth and golden brown. Add garlic, celery, and green pepper. Cook until tender. Add tomato sauce and seasonings. Cook 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Add shrimp and simmer for 15 to 25 minutes. Serve over rice.

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