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Savory Shortcake

I have had many shortcakes before, but this is my first foray into a savory shortcake.

I did make the Baking Powder Biscuits to go with the chicken gravy, so please see that recipe for that portion.

I stewed my chicken in water with a little salt and pepper. This process takes about three to four hours, so you could save time by using pre-cooked chicken. You would then, of course, have to have some chicken stock on hand. By stewing the chicken, you have that already to go.

The flour and butter allow the chicken stock to thicken up nicely. You get a lovely thick gravy at the end.

I sautéed the mushrooms in butter until they were soft. They add a lovely earthiness to the dish.

The end gravy is actually quite delicious.

If you think of the dish as a sausage gravy and biscuit alternative you will go into it with the right idea.

Really this was good, better than I was expecting!

Chicken Shortcake

1 Stewing Chicken

1/3 Cup Flour

1/4 Cup Butter

2 Cups Concentrated Chicken Stock

Salt and Pepper

1/2 Pound Mushrooms

2 Tablespoons Butter

1 Recipe Biscuit Dough

Steam or stew chicken. Cool chicken, remove the skin, then the meat from the bones in as large of pieces as possible. Cut the chicken into half inch cubes. Blend the flour into the butter in the top of a double boiler. Add the broth, stirring constantly to obtain a smooth thickened sauce. Add diced chicken, seasonings and mushrooms which have been sautéed in butter. Place over hot water and cook until the chicken is heated through. Have biscuits freshly baked and hot. Break open and cover the lower half with the chicken and sauce. Place the top of the biscuit on and cover with another spoonful of gravy.

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