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Savory Meats

There is a lot of meat in this meat loaf. Which I guess is the point, right. . .

Mixing the ground hamburger, veal and pork gives this meat loaf a ton of flavor. The pork also helps add some savory fat to the mix.

The bell pepper and onion blend very nicely with the meats and provide a tiny bit of crunch to the loaf.

The horseradish was a nice addition. It gave the loaf a little bit of a kick. I love the earthy spiciness you get with the addition of horseradish.

The meat loaf was very moist. There is nothing worse than a dry meat loaf.

The recipe did make two loaves. It did not say it made two, but there was plenty for two nice sized loaves.

You will have to pour off some grease after cooking as well. There was a considerable amount at the end of the 70 minutes.

I am not sure why this is old fashioned meat loaf, but it was delicious meat loaf!


1 Pound Hamburger

1/2 Pound Ground Pork

1/2 Pound Ground Veal

2 Eggs, Slightly Beaten

2 Cups Soft Bread Crumbs

3/4 Cup Chopped Onion

1/4 Cup Chopped Bell Pepper

2 Tablespoons Horseradish

1 Tablespoon Salt

1/4 Cup Milk

1/4 Cup Ketchup

1 Teaspoon Dry Mustard

Combine all ingredients and shape into a loaf. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 70 minutes.

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