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Rock Hard Biscuits

These are not biscuits in any definition I would give them.

Okay, so I grew up in the South. There is a very specific thing that comes to mind when someone says biscuits. Something tall and fluffy. And definitely buttery!

I live in the Northeast now. Biscuits do not have the same meaning up here. But they are at least edible. I mean, to a point. . .

These biscuits are an abomination. They are hard little disks. I did not consider them to be edible. I think I would break a tooth!

So I did a little research. Apparently, beaten biscuits more resemble hard tack.

You know, hard tack, the thing they used to take on voyages across the Atlantic since they don’t really go bad all that quickly. Like when the pilgrims traveled.

So, this recipe took a very long time to make. And the end result was disappointing to say the least.

But hey, if I find myself planning an ocean voyage, at least now I have a recipe.


3 Cups Sifted Flour

1 Teaspoon Salt

1/3 Cup Cold Shortening

1/2 Cup Cold Milk

Sift flour with salt. Cut in shortening. Add milk and mix to a stiff dough. Place on a floured board and beat with a rolling pin for 30 minutes. Fold in edges after each stroke. Roll 1/3 inch thick and cut with a biscuit cutter. Place on a greased baking sheet and prick with a fork. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes.

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