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Rich, Thick Chocolate

This is a very traditional fondue recipe. And it did not disappoint.

The chocolate is very thick, which is great for dipping. You get a lovely coat of chocolate on your dippable!

I used my chocolate fountain to serve this dish. Yes, I have a chocolate fountain. I purchased it for my wedding reception seventeen years ago. It still works, so I am always trying to find a way to use it.

In order to get the chocolate to work through the fountain I had to thin it out quite a bit. I did this by adding more of the cream. Once it was the right consistency and in the fountain, it looked and tasted great. The fountain was running for a good three hours and the fondue never hardened up.

Kirsch is a clear, cherry flavored brandy. You can substitute with the Cointreau or any other Brandy. Obviously Kirsch is the original and most traditional.

The alcohol does not add a high alcohol taste, but just enough to make the chocolate interesting.


10 Ounces Dark Chocolate

1/2 Cup Light Cream

2 Tablespoons Kirsch (Cointreau)

Break chocolate into pieces about one inch square and combine with other ingredients in the fondue pot. Place over low heat and stir until the chocolate is melted and the mixture is smooth. Keep fondue pot over low heat.

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