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Quick Mexican Treat

My husband is an avid gardener. He loves to plant veggies and herbs. Some years the garden does not so great. Some years is goes crazy.

This year is a crazy year. We are maybe three weeks into the planting season and already the cilantro is trying to go to seed. So we have to trim the plant down to prevent that.

I needed a dish that called for cilantro. Unfortunately cilantro does not appear to be a very popular herb in the Mid Century recipes I have. So I pivoted and looked for something that cilantro would work with.

This is the dish I fell upon. It does not call for cilantro. But it definitely could use some!

The dish is very quick and simple. I am not sure if it was meat to be an appetizer or an entree, but I figured I could make it into an entree by serving it with the Rice Con Carne. Come back tomorrow for that recipe!

The sausage was nice as it added a little fat to the beans. And sausage tastes great. I do think a nice chorizo would have been a nice touch. . .

I mashed down some of my beans while I was frying them. This gave the filling a little bit more of a spreading consistency.

I used flour tortillas. I think this would have been a bit nicer with corn tortillas. I did not, however, specify what I wanted, so my husband brought home flour.

I can really see this dish being a fun appetizer. The tortillas harden enough that it is absolutely a hand held treat. No knife and fork needed!


1 Pound Bulk Pork Sausage

1 Can Kidney Beans, Drained

1/8 Teaspoon Tabasco Sauce

1/2 Teaspoon Dry Mustard

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

6 Tortillas

1 Cup Process Cheese

Break sausage with a fork and brown. Remove meat and drain all but 2 tablespoons dat. Fry beans. Add sausage and seasonings to pan and stir. Lay tortillas on a baking sheet. Spread with sausage mixture. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 10 minutes.

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