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Quick and Easy Side Dish

I was serving the Indian Chicken Balls for dinner and wanted a side dish that was simple, but continued in the Indian flavor.

These tomatoes were perfect! The recipe is super simple and very fast.

The curry flavor isn’t too strong, just enough to give you the Indian feel.

The tomatoes soften up quite a bit in the frying. I would definitely use firm tomatoes to start with. I think it would work quite well with green tomatoes too.

These were great hot and fresh. I made my husband a salad for his lunch the night after I made these. He said they were really good cold too.

So very versatile little side dish!


4 Tomatoes, sliced ½ inch rounds

Salt and Black Pepper to Taste

½ Cup All Purpose Flour

1 Teaspoon Salt

3 Tablespoons Butter

1 Teaspoon Curry Powder

Sprinkle both sides of tomato slices with salt and pepper to taste. Combine flour and 1 teaspoon salt. Dip tomato sliced into flour mixture, coating both sides well. In a large skillet, heat butter, stir in curry powder. Add tomatoes slices, brown on both sides.

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