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Pretty and Delicious

When I was much younger I had a job at the mall. This was in the eighties, so cafeterias were still a thing. There was a cafeteria in the mall I worked. I ate lunch there frequently.

One thing I remember absolutely loving from the cafeteria were the rolls. At the time I did not know what they were. I have now come to realize that they were cloverleaf rolls.

I do find these to be rather pretty rolls. I love how the three balls meld together. It does look a bit like a three leaf clover, so that is probably how they got there name.

The rolls themselves are very light and fluffy. Soft inside and outside.

They are also very buttery. Dipping the balls in butter coats the outsides and the inside with the buttery goodness.

My favorite part is how the rolls pull apart when you are eating them. It is one rolls, but you get three lovely pieces.

So yes, they are a little more work, but for me, these are the best!


1 Cake Yeast

1/2 Cup Lukewarm Water

2 Tablespoons Shortening

2  Tablespoons Sugar

2 Teaspoons Salt

1/2 Cup Scalded Milk

1 Egg

4 Cups Sifted Flour

Soften yeast in lukewarm water. Add shortening, sugar, and salt to milk. Cool. Add yeast and beaten egg. Stir in flour to make a soft dough. Turn out on a floured board and knead until smooth and satiny. About 8 to 10 minutes. Place in a greased bowl, cover and rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down. Let rise again until doubled in bulk. Punch down and let stand 10 minutes. Form dough into small balls. Dip each in melted butter and place 3 balls in each section of a greased muffin pan.  Let rise until doubled in bulk. Bake in a 425 degree oven for 12 to 15 minutes.

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