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There are certainly some recipes that make me scratch my head and go hmm. . .

This was one of them. It seemed completely normal up until the pickle part.

Unfortunately I did not find thick cut pork chops. They seem to be scarce lately. Everyone sells the thin cut chops. I am not sure why this is.

I guess they are easier and quicker to cook. But I would love to be able to regularly find the thicker cut chops.

To make up for the thinner pork, I did not cook the chops for 40 minutes. And I am glad I didn’t! The chops were a little dry with the reduced cooking time. I think they would have resembled leather if I had cooked them 40 minutes!

I also opted to use frozen corn instead of canned corn. I like the fresher taste it gives over the mushy canned type.

I was a little concerned about the chili sauce and the pickles. But, I figured that we could always scrap them off if it was too strange.

Surprisingly they work. The chili sauce is a great bit of spiciness, but not too spicy.

The pickles add some of the tang from the vinegar and salt from the brine.

Overall, while strange, the dish was pretty good!


6 Pork Loin Chops, 1 Inch Thick

1/4 Cup Hot Water

1 1/2 Teaspoons Salt

1/8 Teaspoon Pepper

1/2 Teaspoon Thyme

2 Cans Whole Kernel Corn

Salt and Pepper

6 Tablespoons Chili Sauce

6 Dill Pickle Slices

Brown chops slowly in a hot skillet. Add water, salt, pepper and thyme. Cover and simmer for 40 minutes. Remove chops from skillet and put corn into it. Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper. Place the chops on top of the corn and crown each chop with a tablespoons of chili sauce and a pickle slice. Cover skillet and continue cooking for 10 minutes.

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