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Perfect With Pasta

We were having yet another dinner party - the third in the span of a week. I find that when you don’t know the people coming for dinner, pasta is the perfect thing to make. Everyone loves pasta.  . .

I did serve freshly made rigatoni with the Rich Meat Sauce I made a while back. That recipe makes a ton, so I had a very full gallon bag of the sauce frozen. When you get to the third dinner party in a week, you get a little tired of cooking. So this was perfect.

I did want to serve something freshly made with the dinner. What goes great with pasta? Bread Sticks!

This was a very easy bread recipe. There wasn’t even any kneading, so it was a make it and forget it recipe for the most part.

I shaped the sticks a little larger than the recipe called for. I like a little heartier bread stick that is still a bit soft.

I believe that had I rolled the sticks as the recipe called for - I would have ended up with a thinner, more cracker like bread stick.

As I rolled them, they were super soft on the inside with a nice crunchy outside.

The egg wash gives the tops of the bread sticks a lovely golden color. It also helps the garlic salt stick.

The only way I think these could have been better would be to brush them with a little butter right when you remove them from the oven.

As they are, they were delicious. They were the perfect vessels to scoop up remaining sauce from the plate!


1/2 Cup Milk

1 Cup Boiling Water

1 Envelope Yeast

1/4 Cup Lukewarm Water

Garlic Salt, Coarse Salt, or Sesame Seeds

1 1/2 Tablespoons Melted Shortening

1 Tablespoon sugar

4 Cups Sifted Flour

2 Teaspoons Salt

2 Teaspoons Sugar

1 Egg White, beaten

1 Tablespoon Cold Water

Scald milk and add boiling water. Dissolve yeast in warm water. Let rest 10 minutes. Add to the cooled milk mixture with the shortening and sugar. Measure dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl. Make a hole in the center and pour in liquids. Stir thoroughly, the dough will be soft. Cover with a damp cloth and allow to rise for 2 hours. Punch down and place on a floured board. Roll dough into oblongs about 1/4 inch thick and 8 inches long. Cut into 2 inch wide strips. Roll to form sticks. Place on greased baking sheets. Combine cold water and egg white. Brush tops of sticks. Sprinkle with garlic, salt or sesame seeds. Allow to rise about 30 minutes. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 15 minutes.

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