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Perfect Cocktail

I think I have said before that I have never been a fan of gin. I must never have had it in the right cocktail. . .

This is very good. It is tart with the cranberry liqueur. You could easily substitute the cranberry for a raspberry or orange liqueur if you wanted something sweeter.

The club soda gives the cocktail a lightness that makes it very easy to drink.

Of course, the orange peel makes it look like you ordered it from a fancy bartender!

This was a great drink!


2 Ounces Dry White Vermouth

2 Ounces Club Soda

1 Ounce Cranberry Liqueur

2 Ice Cubes

Twist Orange Peel

Mix vermouth, club soda, and cranberry liqueur. Pour over ice cubes in cocktail glass. Garnish with orange twist.

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