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Not Your Average Taco

I used a spicy sausage for the meat portion. We like a little spice, so that seemed like the right thing for us.

I also did not cut my tortillas, opting to keep them whole as more of an entree size instead of an appetizer size.

A few things I would change. . .

To start, the filling is great, amazing flavor. It is a little on the spicy side, which we like, so no changes there.

I do think the tacos need some cheese. Obviously, cheese is great, so who wouldn’t want cheese. Also, I think this would help the tacos stick together better. There really wasn’t anything in the filling to help them stay together. The toothpicks helped, but not quite enough.

I would also add something to the outside of the tortillas. Perhaps brush them with a little butter. . . The tortillas wanted to break apart while in the oven. I think this would help with that.

They really were quite good. I served them with a small amount of sour cream on the side.


1 Onion, Finely Chopped

2 Tablespoons Butter

1/2 Cup Tomato Juice

3 Green Chilis, Diced

1 Cup Shredded Cooked Chicken or Sausage

1/8 Teaspoon Thyme

1 Teaspoon Salt

Dash Cayenne

18 Tortillas

Sauté onion in butter until golden. Add remaining ingredients, except tortillas, and simmer for 3 to 5 minutes. Fry tortillas until golden. Remove from fat and drain. Cut tortillas in thirds and place 1 teaspoon of the filling into the center of each. Fold in half, secure with a tooth pick and place on a baking sheet. Bake in a 450 degree oven until crisp.

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