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Not Really Fried

I really don’t like it when a recipe has a misleading title name. This is absolutely not fried zucchini.

It is a basic sautéed zucchini recipe. Not really sure I needed a recipe for this.

But, I did learn one thing I haven’t done before. Onion. . .

We grow zucchini in our garden, so we have a lot of sautéed zucchini over the summer.

I have never added onion before. I am pretty sure I will from now on though. It was a great addition.

So, while this seems simple, it tastes great! And it definitely isn’t fried.


2 Pounds Zucchini


1 Teaspoon Chopped Onion

1/4 Cup Butter

Wash and cut zucchini into 1/4 inch slices. Sprinkle with salt. Add onion and cook slowly in butter for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Cover and simmer 5 minutes.

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