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Not A Winner

I will start by saying that the ratio of noodles to ham mixture was very off. There were not enough noodles.

The ham, pepper and mushrooms are nice together. The cheese goes well with these three ingredients.

I think if the recipe stopped there it would have been a nice casserole.

The cheese would have melted through the ham and vegetables and even some of the noodles. I think that would have been a bit pedestrian but nice.

The problem was the soup. I am not a huge fan of prepared foods. I like to make everything from scratch in our house. Old fashioned, yes, but so much healthier. And frankly better tasting.

Using the canned soup made the whole dish taste like canned soup.

The cheese was clumpy, you couldn’t really taste the vegetables. The ham tasted like tomato soup too.

My daughter and I tried, but we just couldn’t finish it. It was by no means disgusting, but it wasn’t all that appealing either.


5 Ounces Narrow Noodles

2 Cups Cooked Ham, Cubed

2 Cups Grated Process Cheese

1/2 Cup Diced Green Pepper

1 Cup Sliced Mushrooms

1 Can Condensed Tomato Soup

1 Soup Can Water

Cook noodles as directed on package and drain well. Combine ham, cheese, green pepper and mushrooms. Alternate layers of noodles and ham mixture in a greased 3 quart casserole. Dilute soup with water and pour over casserole. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 1 hour.

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