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My Butter Cream Broke

This pie sounded interesting. I really wanted it to work.

The pie was an award winner in 1953. So it had to be good, right?

Well, I think it would have been good. Except it wasn’t.

I had everything going well. It looked right, the cream was setting up beautifully.

Then I added the bananas. I believe that the lemon juice is what caused the cream to separate.

I am not a hundred percent sure of this, but that is my best guest.

I understand using the lemon juice. It helps prevent the bananas from turning brown.

Maybe I didn’t whip the butter cream enough before adding it. . .

The pie did taste nice. But the texture and look of it was horrible!


1 Cup Sifted Flour

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1/3 Cup Shortening

4 Tablespoons Cold Water


1/2 Cup Butter

1 1/2 Cups Sifted Confectioners’ Sugar

2 Eggs

1 Teaspoon Vanilla

2 Bananas

1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice

1 Ounce Chocolate

1/4 Cup Walnuts

Sift together the flour and salt. Cut in shortening until the particles are the size of small peas. Sprinkle water over the mixture, tossing lightly with a fork until dough is moist enough to hold together. Form into a ball. Roll out on a floured board to a circle 1 1/2 inches larger than an 8 inch pie plate. Fit loosely into pie pan. Fold edge to form a standing rim. Flute. Prick crust with a fork. Bake in a 450 degree oven for 10 to 12 minutes. Cool. Cream butter with confectioners’ sugar. Add eggs one at a time. Beat 3 minutes after each addition. Blend in vanilla. Slice bananas and sprinkle with lemon juice. Reserve 12 slices for garnish. Fold in chocolate and bananas into the sugar mixture. Turn into cooled pie shell. Garnish with banana slices and walnuts if desired.

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