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Molded Carrots

What says Mid Century more than molded food. It was such a big thing during that time period.

We hardly ever see molded food anymore. I don’t know why - it does give great presentation!

I used a ring mold for this recipe. I do think you could use any mold - go crazy with it. I happen to have a fairly large collection of copper molds. Mostly, they just hang on my walls and look nice. But I do use them.

This recipe would have been a great opportunity. Unfortunately I just thought of it as I type this.

The bread crumbs help bind the shredded carrots together. The egg also helps with binding.

The melted butter and salt add some flavor. Although, I do think the dish could have used just a touch more salt.

While there are other ingredients, all you really taste is carrot.

This is a great side dish - and you can ramp up the presentation.

I say we should bring back the mold!


2 Cups Grated Carrot

1/2 Cup Bread Crumbs

2 Eggs

1 Teaspoon Salt

2 Tablespoons Melted Fat

1/2 Cup Milk

Wash, scrape and grate the carrots and mix with the crumbs. Beat the eggs and add them to the salt, fat and milk. Add this mixture to the carrot and crumb mixture. Fill a greased ring mold, set in a pan of water. Bake in a 325 degree oven until firm.

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