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Meringue and Coconut

It’s football season again. That means we usually have people at our house watching at least one of the games on Sunday.

Because of this I try to have a nice spread of snacks available.

This week was no different. Lots of hot and cold appetizers. But I also wanted something sweet.

I made these, and the Super Duper Chocolate Cookies. My husband says he doesn’t like coconut, so I had to make two varieties.

After eating these cookies he may be changing his mind about the coconut.

These were different than any macaroon I have ever made before!

When one thinks about macaroons, I think we all have an idea in our head of the super sweet, somewhat sticky, coconut candy balls.

These are not those.

Basically, the base of the cookie is a meringue. Stiffly beaten egg white, a little sugar and some vanilla.

And like a meringue, the cookie has tons of air and a general lightness to it.

Then you fold in the coconut. It gives the cookie just enough of the coconut flavor and texture to be a macaroon. But not so much that it is overwhelming.

Just be aware, if you try this recipe, you won’t be able to eat just one!


1/2 Cup Egg Whites

1 1/4 Cups Sugar

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla

2 1/2 Cups Moist Shredded Coconut

Beat egg whites until fluffy and stiff. Stir in sugar, salt and vanilla. Blend in coconut. Drop by rounded teaspoons 2 inches apart on paper lined baking sheets. Bake in a 325 degree oven for 15 to 18 minutes.

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