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Lovely Fudge

I know that there are easy ways to make fudge. Marshmallow fluff and the microwave and such. But there is something about old fashioned fudge. I just love it.

It is harder to make. Takes more time for sure. But it is worth it.

The corn syrup gives the fudge a silky texture. The cream gives it the creaminess. Both are vital in a good fudge.

The fudge cools quickly, so you don’t want to take too much time waiting to pour it into the pan. Once it drops below 115 degrees it starts to thicken quickly.

I forgot to mark the squares in the surface before it was completely cooled. I highly recommend doing this as it helps the fudge not break when you are cutting it.

My daughter didn’t mind at all that some of the pieces broke. That meant she got to eat them!

Take the time, make the fudge!


2 Cups Sugar

2 Ounces Chocolate, Chipped

2/3 Cup Cream

2 Tablespoons Light Corn Syrup

2 Tablespoons Butter

Dash Salt

1 Teaspoon Vanilla

Place sugar, chocolate, cream, corn syrup, butter and salt in a sauce pan. Heat slowly until the sugar is dissolved. Cover until boiling point is reached. Cook without stirring until the temperature reaches 240 degrees. Add vanilla, then cool, without stirring to lukewarm. Beat until creamy and the mixture loses its shine. Pour into a buttered square pan and mark into squares.

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