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Lime and Rum

My husband is in the process of retiring from his government job. It has been an extremely stressful time, but the end is in sight.

Because of that stress, a cocktail seemed to be called for last night. Not too many, just one to take the edge of the stress off.

This recipe seemed to be just the right thing. Nothing over complicated. Nice and simple. And I had all the ingredients on hand.

I remember back in the 90’s when everyone was adding lime juice to their cola. This reminded me of that a bit.

The lime juice is nice and refreshing. I think adding half the lime is just for show though. I did not notice the lime flavor getting stronger or anything.

There was just enough rum to have a taste of it, but not so much that is was all you tasted.

For the cola, I used Cherry Pepsi as it is what I had on hand. I think it was great as it added a hint of the cherry flavor to the drink. I do think it would taste nice with a plain cola as well.

It was a nice, quick and refreshing cocktail!


1 Lime, Juiced

1 Large Jigger Rum


Squeeze lime juice into a tall glass. Place half the lime in the glass along with three ice cubes. Pour in rum. Fill with cola. Stir.

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